Tra boschi e torrenti, a ridosso del Catinaccio Rosengarten, poco distante dal lago di Carezza, in un’ambientazione che ha dato vita a tante leggende, sorge Vigo di Fassa. Questa località, ricercata dal turismo invernale ed estivo è entrata nel 2017 nel club di “Uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia”; un “borgo diffuso” perché le sue[...]
From 1 January 2018 the two municipalities, Vigo di Fassa and Pozza di Fassa have joined a new municipality, precisely Sèn Jan di Fassa So our Chalet Nata is now part of the new municipality of Sèn Jan di Fassa, a union desired by the citizens who, called to a referendum in 2016, voted overwhelmingly[...]
Perhaps astronomers will be asked if our two apartments are called Orion and Polaris and our private Milky Way attic? Yes, that’s right, we are “astronomy friendly”! But our passion does not end here. In fact, our lawn under the Chalet Nata is ideal for astronomical observations where in the clear nights you always see[...]
The Chalet Nata seen from the Drone The following images do not need many comments since they were made by a Drone driven by Davide Vianello on August 12, 2017 around our Chalet Nata with the panorama around our house, on Vigo di Fassa and across the Val di Fassa. Enjoy the Video Show by[...]
One of the most beautiful feedback that we recivied, from our Airbnb account Incredible, stunningly beautiful holiday!!! Never in my life have I cried on the day of departure and didn’t want to go home, so I had a good time in this wonderful house )) And now, in order: We rested together, me and[...]
A special edition of Entorn Vich between fractions of Val, Costa and Larcionè Who attends the summer Vigo di Fassa you will definitely come across one of the evenings of Entorn Vich, ie when the center of our country is celebrating with music, games and lots of food stands for a real round of tasting. From[...]
We inform you that we have opened a new room, or rather to be precise it is not just a room, but it has a bed and a spectacular view … think that at night you can also see the stars! Obviously we’re kidding, but someone liked the joke and asked us to be a[...]
We have several guests who come to visit every year now and even several times a year, becoming not only guests, but true and just friends. We almost glad we do them when they arrive, such as when waiting for someone family with trepidation and excitement. Among these friends we can not dedicate a line[...]
We have a new member of the family that will welcome you! Yes, our English Setter, Bretzy. Arrived in the autumn of 2014 from a kennel in southern Italy has become the friend of all animal lovers. Always very discreet and above all very good, indeed the most good dog in the world! Welcomes tail[...]
When a dream becomes reality! It’s the story of Ally and Valerio that occasional guests of Chalet Nata became permanent guests. In fact, after a few years in the Val di Fassa and the Chalet Nata, both in winter and in summer, life in Padua for them was not the same. So they made the[...]